Instructional descriptions and videos guide
How to Grout Pregrouting note: Make sure glue and/or the mastic is cleaned off the piece.1. Add grout to a disposable bowl2. Add water a teaspoon at a time3. Mix to brownie batter consistency4. Put a dollop of grout on piece5. Using your finger or tool, push grout into the grooves and cracks. Careful glass is sharp.6. Wait til dry (for this example, 5 mins.)7. Using a paper towel (or rag or newspaper), clean excess grout from the piece.8. Hang and enjoy.

How to Bring YourWhimsical Garden to Life
Dream Up Your Design Let your creativity shine! Arrange your fused glass pieces on the flowerpot just how you like them. Move them around, try new combinations, and once you’ve got your masterpiece visualized, set them
aside. Ready? Let’s roll!
Pour on the Magic Cover the flower foam on your pot with a generous layer
of glue -don’t be shy! Think of it as the magical base that will hold your
garden together.
Choose Your Adventure Now, there are two ways to sprinkle on the charm—pick
your style:
- The Free Spirit Way: Place your pot in a bowl to catch any runaway stones. Pour the stones over the glue-covered pot, letting them settle into place. Then, press your fused glass pieces gently into the glue wherever your heart desires. Add more stones and glue as needed and let it all dry. Pro tip: The glue dries clear, so don’t worry about the mess—it’s all part of the magic.
- The Perfectionist Path: Place your glass pieces first, arranging them
with care and precision. Once they’re exactly how you want them, gently sprinkle the stones around. Add extra glue here and there as needed to keep everything snug and secure. This method takes a bit more patience, but the results are oh-so-satisfying. Let it dry completely before the big reveal.
Show It Off Find the perfect spot to display your whimsical creation—your
garden, patio, or windowsill will thank you. Stand back, admire your handiwork, and tell everyone, “Yep, I made that!”